Hephzibai EnstinonJune 13, 2024 Spiral Pattern Print a spiral pattern for the given size. If input is zero, print -1 Input Format The input consists of a single integer n representing the…
LetuscrackonJune 13, 2024 Printing Pattern Using Loops Print a pattern of numbers from to as shown below. Each of the numbers is separated by a single space. Input Format:The input will contain a…
LetuscrackonJune 9, 2024 Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary You are given an array of unique integers salary where salary[i] is the salary of the ith employee.…
Hephzibai EnstinonJune 9, 2024 Arrow Pattern Write a program that generates a pattern based on the input value n following a specific format. Input Format:The input is a single integer n,…
LetuscrackonJune 6, 2024 Weather Observation Station 4 Find the difference between the total number of CITY entries in the table and the number of distinct CITY entries in the…
LetuscrackonJune 6, 2024 Weather Observation Station 1 Query a list of CITY and STATE from the STATION table.The STATION table is described as follows:…
LetuscrackonJune 6, 2024 Japanese Cities’ Attributes Query all attributes of every Japanese city in the CITY table. The COUNTRYCODE for Japan is JPN. The CITY table is…
LetuscrackonJune 6, 2024 Revising the Select Query I Query all columns for all American cities in the CITY table with populations larger than 100000. The CountryCode for…
LetuscrackonJune 6, 2024 Weather Observation Station 3 Query a list of CITY names from STATION for cities that have an even ID number. Print the results in any order,…
LetuscrackonJune 6, 2024 Select All Query all columns (attributes) for every row in the CITY table. The CITY table is described as follows: