Oddly even– TCS NQT Question 2

Given a maximum of 100 digit numbers as input, find the difference between the sum of odd and even position digits

Test Cases

Case 1

  • Input: 4567
  • Expected Output: 2

Explanation : Odd positions are 4 and 6 as they are pos: 1 and pos: 3, both have sum 10. Similarly, 5 and 7 are at even positions pos: 2 and pos: 4 with sum 12. Thus, difference is 12 – 10 = 2

Case 2

  • Input: 5476
  • Expected Output: 2

Case 3

  • Input: 9834698765123
  • Expected Output: 1
num = [int(d) for d in str(input())]
even,odd = 0,0
for i in range(0,len(num)):
    if i % 2 ==0:
        even = even + num[i]
        odd = odd + num[i]
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    int odd = 0,even = 0,i = 0, n,diff;
    long long num;
    while(num != 0){
            even = even + num%10;
            num = num/10;
            odd = odd + num%10;
            num = num/10;
    printf("%d",abs(odd - even));
    return 0;
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