Submatrix Sum – Integers Start with D

Submatrix Sum – Integers Start with D: The program must accept an integer matrix of size R*C and two integers KD as the input. D represents a non-zero digit. The program must print the sum of all the integers present in the first occurring K*K submatrix where each integer starts with the digit D. If there is no such submatrix, the program must print -1 as the output.

Boundary Condition(s):
2 <= R, C <= 50
1 <= Matrix element value <= 1000
2 <= K <= Minimum value between R and C
1 <= D <= 9

Input Format:
The first line contains R and C separated by a space.
The next R lines, each contains C integer values separated by a space.
The (R+2)nd line contains K and D separated by a space.

Output Format:
The first line contains the sum or -1 as per the given condition.

Example Input/Output 1:
4 5
12 57 23 22 61
64 45 52 51 19
25 55 55 53 40
45 65 84 68 81
2 5


Here K = 2 and D = 5.
The only 2*2 submatrix where each integer starts with 5 is given below.
52 51
55 53

The sum of integers in the above 2*2 submatrix is 211, which is printed as the output.

Example Input/Output 2:
6 5
66 44 13 12 63
83 96 41 23 11
10 24 29 25 95
27 28 26 26 81
22 21 22 26 19
28 27 27 93 53
3 2


Example Input/Output 3:
4 7
82 87 81 76 87 95 86
62 89 48 86 44 94 88
80 71 12 77 88 84 18
89 84 85 57 85 27 93
4 8


l=[[v for v in input().split()]for i in range(a)]
for i in range(0,a-k+1):
    for j in range(0,b-k+1):
        for t in range(i,i+k):
            for u in range(j,j+k):
               if int(l[t][u][0])==d:q.append(int(l[t][u]))
            if y==1:break
        if y==0:
            for i in r:y+=sum(i)
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