The program must accept two string values S1 and S2 as the input. The string S1 represents a message to be encrypted and it contains only lower case alphabets. The string S2 represents a key to be used to encrypt the message. The length of the string S2 is always 27 and it contains all 26 lower case alphabets and a dot(.). The program must encrypt the string S1 and print the output based on the following conditions.
– The program must form three 3*3 square matrices.
– The program must fill the first square matrix with the first 9 characters of S2.
– The program must fill the second square matrix with the middle 9 characters of S2.
– The program must fill the third square matrix with the last 9 characters of S2.
– For each character CH in the string S1, the program must print the square matrix number, the row number and the column number of the character CH.
Boundary Condition(s):
1 <= Length of S1 <= 100
Input Format:
The first line contains S1.
The second line contains S2.
Output Format:
The first line contains a string representing the encrypted message.
Example Input/Output 1:
Here S1 = “skillrack” and S2 = “abcdefghijklm.nopqrstuvwxyz“.
The first 3*3 square matrix is formed as
a b c
d e f
g h i
The second 3*3 square matrix is formed as
j k l
m . n
o p q
The third 3*3 square matrix is formed as
r s t
u v w
x y z
s -> 312 (3rd matrix, 1st row, 2nd column)
k -> 212 (2nd matrix, 1st row, 2nd column)
i -> 133 (1st matrix, 3rd row, 3rd column)
l -> 213 (2nd matrix, 1st row, 3rd column)
l -> 213 (2nd matrix, 1st row, 3rd column)
r -> 311 (3rd matrix, 1st row, 1st column)
a -> 111 (1st matrix, 1st row, 1st column)
c -> 113 (1st matrix, 1st row, 3rd column)
k -> 212 (2nd matrix, 1st row, 2nd column)
Example Input/Output 2:
for i in range(0,27,9):
for i in x:
for j in range(1,4):
if i in l[j-1]: