LetuscrackonDecember 11, 2024 Maximum by Single Digit Replacement Maximum by Single Digit Replacement: Two integers M and N are passed as the input to the program. The program must print the maximum value of…
Hephzibai EnstinonJuly 1, 2024 Largest Tenth Digit Integer The program must accept three integers X, Y and Z as the input. The program must print the value having the largest tenth digit as the output.…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Find the Only Even Prime Digit Prime numbers, especially in the realm of single digits, present captivating patterns. One such pattern is the existence of only one even…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Find the Digit Repeated the Most Consecutively In the realm of numbers, patterns often hide in plain sight. One such pattern that often intrigues the curious minds is the recurrence of…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Difference Between Square of Largest and Smallest Digit The program must accept an integer N as the input. The task is to find the largest and smallest digit in the number and then print the…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Double Every Prime Digit and Append to the Number The program must accept an integer N as the input. The task is to double the value of every prime digit in N and then append those values to N…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Digit Appearing Most After First Occurrence The program must accept an integer N as the input. The task is to find the digit that appears the most number of times after its first…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Create Two Numbers Using Higher and Lower Halves of Each Digit The program must accept an integer N as the input. The task is to form two new numbers by using the upper half and lower half of each digit of…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Create a Number by Doubling Each Digit The program must accept an integer N as the input. The task is to create a new number by doubling each digit of N and return the new number.…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Create New Number Removing First and Last Digit The program must accept an integer N as the input. The task is to form a new number by removing the first and the last digit of N. If N is a…