LetuscrackonNovember 18, 2024 Sum of odd numbers from M to N Two numbers M and N are passed as the input. The program must print the sum of odd numbers from M to N (inclusive of M and N). Input…
LetuscrackonNovember 6, 2024 Odd Integers In Range Program in Python The program must accept two integers X and Y and print the odd integers between them. Input Format:The first line denotes the value of X.The…
LetuscrackonNovember 3, 2024 Python Program for Interlace odd / even from A to B Two numbers A and B are passed as input. The program must print the odd numbers from A to B (inclusive of A and B) interlaced with the even…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Pattern Printing Middle Letter – Odd Length String [ZOHO] Pattern Printing Middle Letter – Odd Length String [ZOHO]: An odd length string S is passed as the input. The program must print the…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Find Range (Max-Min) of Odd Digits Numbers, in their myriad combinations, weave a tapestry of patterns and stories. One such fascinating tale is that of odd digits. In this…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Find Pattern of Odd and Even Digits Mathematics is not just about crunching complex numbers or solving intricate problems; it’s also about identifying patterns. Patterns…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Count of Even Digits in Odd Positions The program must accept an integer N as the input. The task is to count and print the number of even digits in N that are present in odd…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Create Two Numbers from Odd and Even Digits The program must accept an integer N as the input. The program should create two new numbers – one using the odd digits and another…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Compare Sum of Odd Positioned and Even Positioned Digits The program must accept an integer N as the input. The task is to compare the sum of the digits at odd positions and even positions in the…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Difference – Sum of Odd and Even Digits Given a maximum of hundred digits as the input. The program must print the difference between the sum of odd and even digits as the output. If…