LetuscrackonDecember 6, 2024 Python Program To Print Number Frequency An array of N integers is passed as the input to the program. The program must modify the array such that each element in the array is…
LetuscrackonDecember 5, 2024 Print Prime Numbers from 2 to N Program In Python The program must accept an integer N as the input. The program must print all the prime numbers from 2 to N (inclusive of N) as…
LetuscrackonNovember 18, 2024 Reverse Order – Print multiples of X from N to M Two numbers M and N are passed as the input. A number X is also passed as the input. The program must print the numbers divisible by X from N…
LetuscrackonNovember 12, 2024 Python Program to Print All Vowels Accept a string S as the input and print all the vowels in S as the output. If there is no vowel in S then the program must…
LetuscrackonNovember 12, 2024 Python Program To Print Fibonacci Sequence An integer value N is passed as the input. The program must print the first N terms in the Fibonacci sequence. Input Format:The first line…
LetuscrackonNovember 8, 2024 Print Only Alphabets In Python A string S is passed as the input. S can contain alphabets, numbers and special characters. The program must print only the alphabets in S.…
LetuscrackonNovember 5, 2024 Print String Till Character In Python A string S is passed as the input. Character C is also passed as the input. The program must print the string value S till C is encountered.…
LetuscrackonNovember 5, 2024 Print except multiples of N Two numbers A and B are passed as input. A number N is also passed as the input. The program must print the numbers from A to B (inclusive of…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Print 1 to N – Digits Count [ZOHO] A positive integer N is passed as the input. If we print all the numbers from 1 to N continuosly, the program must find the number of…
LetuscrackonJune 12, 2024 Two Matrix Spiral Print The program must accept two square matrices which are of size N*N. Then the values in the matrices must be printed spirally in clock wise…