

Swap Two Numbers

The values for two numbers x and y will be passed as input to the program. The program must swap the two numbers and print them as output.…

Product – Swap Unit Digits

The program must accept two integers X and Y as the input. The program must print the product of X and Y after swapping their unit digits as…

Swap Integers Matrix Border

The program must accept an integer matrix of size R*C and two integers X, Y as the input. The program must find the Xth integer and the Yth in…

Matrix Unit Digit Swap

The program must accept an integer matrix of size R*C, where C is even and swap the unit digits of the elements in columns 1 and 2, then 3 and…

Swap Every Two Vowels

Swap Every Two Vowels: The program must accept a string S as the input. The program must swap every two vowels in the string S. Then…

Zig-Zag Swap – Columns

Zig-Zag Swap – Columns: The program must accept an integer matrix of size RxC as the input. The program must modify the matrix by…