

Word Search in Matrix

The program must accept a character matrix of size R*C and a string S as input. The program must search the string S in…

Word slot

A Square Matrix of N Rows and N Columns is passed as the input and also a String S of Length L is passed as input. The matrix has an empty…

Word histogram

Histogram is a graphical representation drawn based on the frequency of occurrence of things. Histogram for a word is drawn based on the…

String Word Counter

Given a string S as input which consists of multiple words separated by a space, the program must print the count C of the words which are…

Word Repeated Twice

The program must accept a string S containing multiple words as the input. The program must print the word which is repeated twice in the…

Reverse Every Word

The program must accept a string S containing multiple words as the input. The program must reverse every word in the string S. Then the…